
How To Take Care Of Your Jewellery?

It is a beautiful night, everything looks looks perfect. Ms XYZ is all dressed up for the elegant party awaiting her. The only thing left to do is to put on her diamond earrings. She walks to her cupboard to take them out, but as soon as she opens the box, she is left shocked. What once used to be shiny and joyous, now looks worn out. While she hurriedly searches for a fix, she comes across many others who have experienced the same problem. Heartbroken, her night is ruined.To ensure that this never happens to you, we would like to provide you with some easy tips to make sure your diamonds shine bright and proud for years to come.

  • Make sure to inspect your diamonds on a regular basis. Diamonds need the same love and affection that you give to your plants.While you don’t need to talk to them,inspecting your jewellery often can prevent further damage, and ensure that it is stopped in the early stages, before more harm can be done.
It is a beautiful night, everything looks looks perfect. Ms XYZ is all dressed up for the elegant party awaiting her. The only thing left to do is to put on her diamond earrings. She walks to her cupboard to take them out, but as soon as she opens the box, she is left shocked. What once used to be shiny and joyous, now looks worn out. While she hurriedly searches for a fix, she comes across many others who have experienced the same problem. Heartbroken, her night is ruined.To ensure that this never happens to you, we would like to provide you with some easy tips to make sure your diamonds shine bright and proud for years to come.

  • Make sure to inspect your diamonds on a regular basis. Diamonds need the same love and affection that you give to your plants.While you don’t need to talk to them,inspecting your jewellery often can prevent further damage, and ensure that it is stopped in the early stages, before more harm can be done.
  • You should also always look closely at the claws that are part of the jewellery. This is what holds your diamond in place, so if these loosen, the diamond becomes vulnerable and can fall out.
  • Wear it appropriately. Even though diamonds are extremely durable, a hard blow can chip it. Moreover, never let it be exposed to chemicals, such as chlorine or bleach. This can damage your elegant pieces. So to be on the safer side, never wear jewellery during sporting activities, gardening, swimming, going to the spa, washing dishes, etc.
  • Lotions, make-up, soaps, and fragrances can form a dull layer on your diamond. So avoid using these in proximity to your diamond.
  • Store it correctly. It is extremely important to show your jewellery that you care. Place all in a linen lined box. Bracelets, bangles, and necklaces should all be placed flat in the box. If not stored correctly, the diamonds can scratch other jewelllery or other diamonds, causing damage.
  • Ensure that all jewellery is stored in a clean and dry place for longevity of its shine & brilliance.
  • If you notice loose stones or any other noticeable damages, do not continue to wear the jewellery. Take it to a trusted professional jeweller who can make the assessment and repair the jewellery. Annaka’s trusted employees will always be willing to help you in getting your dear piece fixed and to its original brilliance.
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